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Winners - Monthly Competition - June 2019
Best Feature Film:
Diamond Award: Influencia (Pablo Aura Langer)
Platinum Award: Immortality of the Conscious Mind (Dylan Hoang)
Gold Award: The Shade Shepherd (Chris Faulisi)
Silver Award: Last Call (Gavin Michael Booth)
Bronze Award: The Last Color (Vikas Khanna)
Honorable Mention:
Free Slave (Mehmet Tanrisever)
Best Short Film:
Diamond Awards:
Light (Chris Beauchamp)
Following Jamie (Charles J Gray)
Platinum Awards:
Platonic (David Leidy)
California City (Tommy Tang)
Gold Awards:
Mercy (Gowtham Namasivayam)
What Goes Up (Maxine Etchison)
Silver Awards:
YOU or ME (Yana Zinov)
Sorry (Victor Vallerik)
Bronze Awards:
Lunchtime is Over (Bruce Nachsin)
Cashpoint (Monique Needham)
Best Animation:
Sacrifice (Huixin Huang)
Best Horror:
Maria (Helena Aleksandrova)
Best Trailer:
Diamond Award: Finite Water (Zachary Thomson & Dianne Wennick)
Platinum Award: Whiskey Ginger (Alan Kelly)
Gold Award: Photo Finish (Michael Brewer)
Silver Award: Common Chocolate (Kathryn L Scurry)
Bronze Award: An Odyssey: Running Scared (Mason Hubbard)
Best Feature Script:
Diamond Award: The Oughthousers (Ari Krause)
Platinum Award: The Symbiosis (Günseli Orhon & Mehmet Aksu)
Gold Award: Reintegration (Richard Anthony Dunford)
Silver Award: Something New (Michael Abel)
Best Short Script:
Diamond Award: The Shed (Rachel Thomas-Medwid)
Platinum Award: Three Stars (William Waters)
Gold Award: Don't text and walk (Antonio Amin & Ana Bolena Melendez)
Silver Award: Samantha (Kieran Freemantle)
Bronze Award: Evening of the Evil Eye (Angel Connell)
Best Student Film:
Diamond Award: Hazel (Sara Eustáquio)
Platinum Award: The Fall Leaves (Maya McCullough)
Gold Award: Stage Time (Dylan Lloyd)
Best Feature Documentary:
Diamond Award: Sex, Drugs & Bicycles (Jonathan Blank)
Platinum Award: El Viejo. (Matthew Hickney)
Gold Award: Chances Equality (Lane Forbes)
Silver Award: Greek Rock Revolution (Miguel Cano)
Bronze Award: Shattered Dreams: Sex Trafficking in America (Bill Wisneski)
Best Short Documentary:
Diamond Award: Vietnam Aftermath (Tom Phillips)
Platinum Award: Asylum (Jefta Varwijk & Jaap van Heusden)
Gold Award: The Free Agent (Anthony Molina)
Silver Award: Beauty (Dicle Tiryaki)
Bronze Award: F*ck U! In the Most Loving Way (Mido Lee)
Best Music Video:
Diamond Award: The Arrow of Our Youth (Eric Boadella)
Platinum Award: Falling Through The Cracks (Valerie Rinder)
Gold Award: Truth (Lei Wan)
Silver Award: Safe and Warm (Lullaby for Jesus) (Alan Mascareno)
Bronze Award: Beatnick Dee and Pheo - Patience (Simon Williamson)
Best Director:
Diamond Award: Pablo Aura Langer (Influencia)
Platinum Award: Dylan Hoang (Immortality of the Conscious Mind)
Gold Award: Hazel (Sara Eustáquio)
Silver Award: David Leidy (Platonic)
Bronze Award: Dan Gabriel (Mosul)
Best Actor:
Diamond Award: Chris Beauchamp (Light)
Platinum Award: Drew Schrum (YOU or ME)
Gold Award: Dasha Leidy (Platonic)
Best Cinematography:
Diamond Award: Platonic (Derek Means & David Leidy)
Platinum Award: Vietnam Aftermath (Tom Phillips)
Gold Award: Mercy (Vaibhav Handore)
Best Score:
Diamond Award: Immortality of the Conscious Mind (Miguel Leyva)
Platinum Award: Platonic (David Leidy)
Gold Award: Finite Water (Zachary Thomson & Dianne Wennick)
Silver Award: Sacrifice (Mahlon Berv)