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Winners - Monthly Competition - November 2018
Best Feature Film:
Diamond Award: On The Fence (Luciana Caplan)
Platinum Award: The Mud (Gabriel De Piero)
Gold Award: Bent On Somnolence (Timothy McCarthy)
Silver Award: Half-Breed (Blackhawk Walters)
Bronze Award: Single Palm Tree (Puthiyavan Rasiah)
Best Short Film:
Diamond Awards:
A Walk In The Park (Dieter-Michael Grohmann)
A Hollow Point (Zach Brinkerhoff)
A Roomba's Tale (Josh Jackson)
Eleftheromania (David Antoniuk)
Platinum Awards:
Sugar Land (Lorenzo Lanzillotti)
Like Every Morning (Cédric Dupuis)
Suicide Inc (Maximilian Klein)
Gold Awards:
Silent Love Stories-II (Amr Al-Hariri)
Whoever You Are... (Annette Westwood)
ALiCe (Natsumi Shibata)
Sweet Soul In Exile (Tyler A. Chase)
Silver Awards:
Greater Fool (Julia Strassmann)
Help Wanted (Mac Estelle)
From Here To Repair (Waymon Boone)
Bronze Awards:
Zero (Nick King)
Killer Of The Week (Robert Tiemstra)
IVY (Grace Bragdon)
Best Trailer:
Diamond Award: MMA - Never Surrender (Gerald J. Godbout III)
Platinum Award: On The Fence (Luciana Caplan)
Best Drama:
Diamond Award: 'ID' (Charlie Waters-Anderson)
Platinum Award: Lemon Eyes (Chelsey Raegen Knapp)
Gold Award: Eleftheromania (David Antoniuk)
Best Student Film:
Diamond Award: After Ashes (Jesse McAnally)
Platinum Award: Time (Avijit Sud)
Gold Award: Enchanted (Nailah Robinson)
Best Documentary:
Diamond Award: The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything (The Church of Almighty God)
Platinum Award: The Kaleidoscope Guy at the Market (Russel Brown)
Gold Award: Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA War on Musicians and Activists (John L Potash)
Silver Award: Journey To Hope (Anita Kruse Director)
Bronze Award: I Got The Land (Francescu Artily)
Best Music Video:
Diamond Award: Pangea (Derek Frey)
Platinum Award: Long Time (Cassandre Émanuel)
Gold Award: Not That Strong (Gregory JM Kasunich)
Silver Award: Blazing (Karleener)
Bronze Award: The Old Red Rooster (Jeffrey Rolfzen)
Best Director:
Diamond Award: Dieter-Michael Grohmann (A Walk In The Park)
Platinum Award: Lorenzo Lanzillotti (Sugar Land)
Gold Award: Amr Al-Hariri (Silent Love Stories - II)
Silver Award: Martin Grof (Excursion)
Bronze Award: Luciana Caplan (On The Fence)
Best Actor:
Diamond Award: Roman Xing (The Saver)
Platinum Award: Benjamin Riley (A Hollow Point)
Gold Award: Nicholas Jaye Stauffer (The Serpent In The Apple)
Silver Award: Julia Strassmann (Greater Fool)
Bronze Award: Puthiyavan Rasiah (Single Palm Tree)
Best Script:
Diamond Award: Take The Shot (Jim Norman)
Platinum Award: On The Fence (Luciana Caplan & Melanie Caplan
Gold Award: Altered Lives (Richard Kjeldgaard)
Silver Award: Indian Billy Ice (Jerry Stephen Ice)
Bronze Award: At The Mercy Of Faith (Samuel Taylor)
Best Short Script:
Eleftheromania (Joanna Tsanis)
Best Cinematography:
Diamond Award: A Hollow Point (Zach Brinkerhoff)
Platinum Award: On The Fence (Luciana Caplan)
Gold Award: Silent Love Stories-II (Amr Al-Hariri)
Silver Award: Hind's Case (Yash Khanna)
Best Score:
Diamond Award: The Lottery (Robert Butler)
Platinum Award: Silent Love Stories - II (Kaden Hariri)
Gold Award: Hind's Case (Evan Roth)
Silver Award: The Serpent in the Apple (Nathan Luttrull)
Bronze Award: We, The Bereaved (Eric Pauls & Sarah Houston)
Honorable Mention:
Eleftheromania (Nicholas Schnier)
Best Editing:
Diamond Award: On The Fence (Luciana Caplan)
Platinum Award: Pangea (Derek Frey)
Gold Award: Silent Love Stories-II (Amr Al-Hariri)
Best Visual FX:
Diamond Award: The Lottery (Robert Butler)
PLatinum Award: A Hollow Point (Zach Brinkerhoff)
Gold Award: Like Every Mornings (Cédric Dupuis)