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Winners - Monthly Competition - November 2018

Best Feature Film:
Diamond Award: On The Fence (Luciana Caplan)
Platinum Award: The Mud (Gabriel De Piero)
Gold Award: Bent On Somnolence (Timothy McCarthy)
Silver Award: Half-Breed (Blackhawk Walters)
Bronze Award: Single Palm Tree (Puthiyavan Rasiah)

Best Short Film:

Diamond Awards:
A Walk In The Park (Dieter-Michael Grohmann)
A Hollow Point (Zach Brinkerhoff)
A Roomba's Tale (Josh Jackson)
Eleftheromania (David Antoniuk)

Platinum Awards:
Sugar Land (Lorenzo Lanzillotti)
Like Every Morning (Cédric Dupuis)
Suicide Inc (Maximilian Klein)

Gold Awards:
Silent Love Stories-II (Amr Al-Hariri)
Whoever You Are... (Annette Westwood)
ALiCe (Natsumi Shibata)
Sweet Soul In Exile (Tyler A. Chase)

Silver Awards:
Greater Fool (Julia Strassmann)
Help Wanted (Mac Estelle)
From Here To Repair (Waymon Boone)

Bronze Awards:
Zero (Nick King)
Killer Of The Week (Robert Tiemstra)
IVY (Grace Bragdon)

Best Trailer:
Diamond Award: MMA - Never Surrender (Gerald J. Godbout III)
Platinum Award: On The Fence (Luciana Caplan)

Best Drama:
Diamond Award: 'ID' (Charlie Waters-Anderson)
Platinum Award: Lemon Eyes (Chelsey Raegen Knapp)
Gold Award: Eleftheromania (David Antoniuk)

Best Student Film:
Diamond Award: After Ashes (Jesse McAnally)
Platinum Award: Time (Avijit Sud)
Gold Award: Enchanted (Nailah Robinson)

Best Documentary:
Diamond Award: The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything (The Church of Almighty God)
Platinum Award: The Kaleidoscope Guy at the Market (Russel Brown)
Gold Award: Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA War on Musicians and Activists (John L Potash)
Silver Award: Journey To Hope (Anita Kruse Director)
Bronze Award: I Got The Land (Francescu Artily)

Best Music Video:
Diamond Award: Pangea (Derek Frey)
Platinum Award: Long Time (Cassandre Émanuel)
Gold Award: Not That Strong (Gregory JM Kasunich)
Silver Award: Blazing (Karleener)
Bronze Award: The Old Red Rooster (Jeffrey Rolfzen)

Best Director:
Diamond Award: Dieter-Michael Grohmann (A Walk In The Park)
Platinum Award: Lorenzo Lanzillotti (Sugar Land)
Gold Award: Amr Al-Hariri (Silent Love Stories - II)
Silver Award: Martin Grof (Excursion)
Bronze Award: Luciana Caplan (On The Fence)

Best Actor:
Diamond Award: Roman Xing (The Saver)
Platinum Award: Benjamin Riley (A Hollow Point)
Gold Award: Nicholas Jaye Stauffer (The Serpent In The Apple)
Silver Award: Julia Strassmann (Greater Fool)
Bronze Award: Puthiyavan Rasiah (Single Palm Tree)

Best Script:
Diamond Award: Take The Shot (Jim Norman)
Platinum Award: On The Fence (Luciana Caplan & Melanie Caplan
Gold Award: Altered Lives (Richard Kjeldgaard)
Silver Award: Indian Billy Ice (Jerry Stephen Ice)
Bronze Award: At The Mercy Of Faith (Samuel Taylor)

Best Short Script:
Eleftheromania (Joanna Tsanis)

Best Cinematography:
Diamond Award: A Hollow Point (Zach Brinkerhoff)
Platinum Award: On The Fence (Luciana Caplan)
Gold Award: Silent Love Stories-II (Amr Al-Hariri)
Silver Award: Hind's Case (Yash Khanna)

Best Score:
Diamond Award: The Lottery (Robert Butler)
Platinum Award: Silent Love Stories - II (Kaden Hariri)
Gold Award: Hind's Case (Evan Roth)
Silver Award: The Serpent in the Apple (Nathan Luttrull)
Bronze Award: We, The Bereaved (Eric Pauls & Sarah Houston)

Honorable Mention:
Eleftheromania (Nicholas Schnier)

Best Editing:
Diamond Award: On The Fence (Luciana Caplan)
Platinum Award: Pangea (Derek Frey)
Gold Award: Silent Love Stories-II (Amr Al-Hariri)

Best Visual FX:
Diamond Award: The Lottery (Robert Butler)
PLatinum Award: A Hollow Point (Zach Brinkerhoff)
Gold Award: Like Every Mornings (Cédric Dupuis)

June 2018 Winners April 2018 Winners February 2018 Winners December 2017 Winners October 2017 Winners August 2017 Winners June 2017 Winners April 2017 Winners February 2017 Winners November 2016 Winners September 2016 Winners August 2016 Winners